Best Practices Credit Eligible Trainings
For the 2022 SDIS Best Practices Program, there is one category that requires training completion for credit. Below are the training options to fulfill this credit opportunity:
SDAO/SDIS Training – Credit: 2%
You must certify that ALL members of the board have attended one online or in person class regarding board members duties and responsibilities or the board can engage in a Board Practices Assessment conducted by an SDAO consultant.
- SDAO Board of Directors and Management Staff Regional Training
- Board Duties and Responsibilities Pre-Conference Training (This training will be streamed on the 2022 SDAO Annual Conference virtual conference platform.)
- OFDDA/OFCA board trainings sponsored by SDAO
- Boardsmanship 301 – (Online training video viewable at
- Boardroom Dancing – (Online training video viewable at
To sign up for a Board Practices Assessment, please contact Shanta Carter, Consulting Services Administrator, at