Risk Management Services
The SDAO Risk Management Department is here to assist members in identifying needs and providing the tools and resources to assist with implementing strategies for preventing and mitigating losses. The main way we accomplish this is through the services we provide. These services are included at no additional cost to the member for the insurance coverages you participate in through SDIS.
If you would like to request one or more of these services, please email us. or call 800-285-5461 Below you will find a list of services available for each line of coverage.
Risk Management Services QRG.pdf

Workers' Compensation Coverage Services (For Members in the SDAO Service Group Through SAIF)
- Risk management staff can assist you with reviewing your safety programs to make sure they are adequate to protect your employees and keep you in compliance with applicable regulations.
- Risk management staff frequently assist members when they get cited or receive a written complaint from OR-OSHA.If you receive a complaint or a compliance visit you can contact the risk management department for assistance with how to respond.
- Risk management consultants can conduct erconomic evaluations for members. These evaluations include looking at office ergonomics as well as conducting physical capacity assessments using of a force meter.
- The risk management staff are available to attend your safety committee meetings on occasion. The purpose of attending the meetings is to assist the district in identifying methods for operating their safety committee more efficiently and effectively. It could also be to assist the members' safety committee with a specific issue they are tackling.
- Members can request assistance in performing job hazard analyses (JHA). The risk management consultant will asist the member with completing a few of the JHA using a hazard assessment form. The intent is to provide the member with the knowledge and resources to conduct JHA's on their own.
- Risk management consultants can conduct a workers’ compensation review of claims and ways to prevent them.The consultant will ask questions about accident investigations, completing incident reports, and if these are reviewed by the safety committee.These processes are great to review for prevention of further incidents and accidents.
- Noise level monitoring is conducted in order to gain an understanding of the noise levels of different pieces of equipment. These levels are a snap shot in time of how loud the equipment is. This information is gathered and used in conjunction with how often and long employees are exposed to the noise to determine if Dosimeter testing needs to be conducted or if the noise exposure is not a risk to your employees hearing.
- Dosimeter testing is conducted by placing the dosimeter on one of your staff members for a normal workday. The dosimeter records noise levels throughout the work shift and calculates a time weighted average (TWA). The TWA will determine if the District would be required to implement a hearing conservation program or whether or not any engineering controls need to be put in place to reduce the noise exposure.
Property/Liability Services
Employment Practices/Compliance Review
- Risk Management consultants are available to provide reviews of members’ employment practices exposures and provide recommendations and resources on how to best mitigate those risks.
General Liability Hazard Assessments
- Risk consultants are available to conduct general liability hazard assessments such as looking at facilities and/or programs and activities the District undertakes. These assessments can be conducted from a generic overview of liability exposures or be directed at a specific exposure, depending on the District’s needs.
- SDIS Risk Management drone pilots are available to assist members with doing infrastructure reviews of your facilities. The purpose of these reviews is to assist members with identifying potential property loss exposures and preventive maintenance items. It can also allow for easy inspections of areas that are difficult or unsafe to access.
- Risk consultants are available to assist with conducting property inspections to help identify property loss exposures. The consultant will also assist members in creating solutions to address these exposures.