Board Member Spotlight: Brent Stevenson

Position: Irrigation Representative
June 11, 2020 - Present
What role do you serve at your special district and how long have you been with them?
I have served as general manager of SWCD for 11 years. It is the second Oregon special district I have managed.
How has SDAO helped you or your district?
SDAO is really there to serve. Managing smaller districts can be challenging and you can’t be an expert at everything. SDAO has been there to fill the gap at every level. I really appreciate the example policies, human resource help, the thoughtful discussions that get you to think about risk reduction, all on top of just great insurance coverage.
Why did you seek to join the SDAO Board of Directors?
I have appreciated the services I have received from SDAO, and having the pleasure to serve as president of Oregon Water Resources Congress, a trade association of irrigation districts, I felt compelled to act as a conduit to further the partnership of both entities.
Tell us about your life outside of your day job(s).
My wife, Carolyn, and I enjoy gardening our acre of landscaped yard. We try and spend some free time boating, fishing, crabbing and the like. And some of our favorite time is spent with our 18-month-old grandson, Jared.