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Legislative Issues Submission

The SDAO Legislative Committee is beginning the process of identifying legislative issues for the upcoming Legislative Session. The committee will evaluate each issue as it begins developing its priorities.

It shall be the policy of the Legislative Committee that legislative proposals submitted by members will be considered based on the following criteria:


  • The effect of the legislation on the majority of special districts in Oregon.
  • Whether or not the proposed legislation impacts a large number of districts in a geographic region or large population area.
  • The fiscal impact of the proposed legislation on special districts.
  • How the proposed legislation impacts types of special districts.
  • Be of statewide importance.


Based on the above criteria, the Legislative Committee shall determine if the proposed legislation will be sponsored or co-sponsored.  All bills recommended for sponsorship by the committee will be submitted to the SDAO Board of Directors for review.

If you would like to request a legislative change, please complete and return this form no later than Monday, August 12, 2024.


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