[Oers-council] Seminar Session: Setting Up Crisis Communications for Media Response
The Public Private Partnership Program managers at the Idaho Office of Emergency Management and Oregon Department of Emergency Management have teamed up with federal, state, and private sector partners to put together a monthly 90-minute series examining the various stages of the mass casualty and active shooter phenomenon occurring in our country. This series was designed for business and private sector partners interested in learning how to navigate these tragic events happening with alarming frequency.
The next Private Sector Preparedness, Response and Recovery Seminar Session: Setting Up Crisis Communications for Media Response, is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, at 9 a.m. PST/noon EST. Our special guest presenters for this session include Lisa Hughes and John Matthews.
Lisa Hughes is an award-winning journalist and news anchor for WBZ-TV News – Boston. Among her many honors, Lisa received both a 2014 Columbia DuPont Award and a 2013 George Foster Peabody Award as part of WBZ-TV's team coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings. Before joining CBS, she worked as a reporter and weekend anchor at KIRO-TV in Seattle, a main anchor and reporter for KBCI-TV in Boise, and an anchor and reporter for KCBY-TV in Coos Bay, Oregon.
John Matthews is the Executive Director of the Community Safety Institute (CSI) and a former Chief of Police. John has been in law enforcement for four decades and has a BBA in Business and an MBA in Administrative Management. He is the author of six books and nationally recognized for his expertise in mass shootings and school safety. John has developed scores of federal programs for the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and multiple Presidential initiatives and has served as a White House Advisor. John has been a regular law enforcement analyst for both CNN and FOX NEWS, providing analysis on breaking public safety stories ranging from mass shootings to terrorism.
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