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Principles for volunteer leaders

Daniel C. Olsen, Senior Consultant, SDAO

Part I

What are the leadership principles for individuals who are responsible for leading volunteers?

There are different sources of information. Job descriptions are a primary source. However, what are the specific actions that leadership should take. What are specifics of principles that a person can take.

As a leader in your organization, you have authority and obligation to your organization, community, and members.

I will share with you fifteen leadership principles for those leading volunteers. These will be presented and explained in two articles.

This article will talk about the first seven. The second article will follow listing the remaining eight for a total of fifteen.


The first seven principles are:

  • Principle No. 1: Communicate in a clear and consistent direction.
  • Principle No. 2: Deliver a quality service to your community.
  • Principle No. 3: Interact with others in a positive and professional manner.
  • Principle No. 4: Act in congruence with the Vision, Mission, Priorities and Values of your organization.
  • Principle No. 5: Make sound Decisions.
  • Principle No. 6:  Be accountable.
  • Principle No. 7: Influence others by your conduct.


Principle No. 1:  Communicate a clear and consistent direction and plan for your volunteers.

As a leader, your job is to accomplish specific goals and objectives. These are examples of the direction you take each day, week, month, or year. You may have short term or long-term goals. They may be large or small.

Be sure your volunteers know the direction you are taking them. Make sure you repeat your plan often. Make certain your people understand where you are taking them.


Principle No. 2: Deliver a quality Service to your community.

Our foremost duty is to provide service to our community. Ensure that the service is a quality service. Ensure that it is provided by individuals who are doing it in an effective, efficient, and safe manner.

Focus on your core mission. As a fire district, the mission is the saving of life and protection of property. Ensure that your personnel are capable (physically, mentally, and emotionally), competent (perform effectively, efficiently, and safely) of the skills necessary, possess an honorable character and are confident in their ability.


Principle No. 3: Interact with others (members, staff, and citizens) in a positive and professional manner.

It is important to present yourself in a manner that evokes confidence and trust from your members. Your conduct should be courageous, caring, compassionate and demonstrate your commitment to professionalism.

It is important to treat others with dignity, understanding and respect. These should be guidelines you demonstrate and expect of your volunteers.


4 Act in congruence with the Vision, Mission, Priorities and Values of your organization.

Make certain you know and understand the vision, mission, priorities, and values of your organization. Values should include Honesty, Loyalty, Strong Work Ethic, Sense of Duty, Dependability, Accountability, Trustworthy and Honor.


5 Make sound Decisions

You are a decision maker. Make sure your decisions are sound.

Decisions should be in the best interest of the Community.

Decisions should also include consideration of a number of issues. Foremost, these should include considerations of risk, safety, and welfare of your personnel.


Principle No. 6:  Be accountable for your actions, decisions, speech.

Honor your word and agreements. Be a person of integrity.

It is important to take responsibility for what you say and do. As a leader, you have put yourself under an obligation and therefore answerable to the consequence of your actions.


Principle No. 7: Influence others by being role model   conduct

Your speech and actions influence others. Often, we emphasize the importance of “customer service” and the importance of how we interact with other people. These come down to fundamental actions:

·       Do what is Right (legally, morally, and ethically)

·       Do your best (be committed to excellence)

·       Speak truth

·       Honor your word

Influence your volunteers by your Integrity and strong moral principles.


Daily, show your confidence, competence, character, and commitment through your words and actions.

Your daily routine provides opportunities to implement your principles. Your leadership principles will assist you in the opportunities to Plan, Prepare, Execute. and Assess your leadership for your organization and its members.