Program Curriculum

A curriculum of study has been developed for each of the specialty areas and will be delivered through SDAO training programs (annual conference, stand-alone regional seminars, on-site trainings facilitated by SDAO staff, webinars, and online courses) and in coordination with affiliate organization offerings. Courses must be specifically identified as SDAO Academy credit eligible to apply. Training courses or conference sessions for both SDAO and affiliates will be marked with the SDAO Academy logo to indicate eligibility.
SDAO Academy is based on a credit system earning five credits per training and achieving program completion at 100 credits. Participants are required to complete four training topics in each specialty area in-person by attending the annual conference and/or stand-alone regional seminars.
District Management - 30 Credits (6 Courses)
Only one course per topic will receive credit. Four of the six trainings MUST be completed in-person. If a training was scheduled to be in person and later pivoted to virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, those trainings count as in-person credit. We will not accept webinars originally scheduled as webinars as in-person credit.
• Board Relations
• Contract Management / Risk Transfer
• Elections
• Ethics
• Financial Management and Audits
• Insurance Coverages
• Intergovernmental Affairs/Agreements
• Public Meetings and Public Records
• Public Relations
• Strategic Planning
Human Resources/Personnel Management - 30 Credits (6 Courses)
Only one course per topic will receive credit. Four of the six trainings MUST be completed in-person. If a training was scheduled to be in person and later pivoted to virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, those trainings count as in-person credit. We will not accept webinars originally scheduled as webinars as in-person credit.
• Harassment & Discrimination
• Drug & Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion
• Internal Investigations
• Managing Employee Leave
• Hiring Practices / Performance Management / Documentation / Discipline / Discharge
• Social Media
• HR Audit / Compliance Audit
• Wage & Hour Compliance
Risk Management/Operations - 30 Credits (6 Courses)
Only one course per topic will receive credit. Four of the six trainings MUST be completed in-person. If a training was scheduled to be in person and later pivoted to virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, those trainings count as in-person credit. We will not accept webinars originally scheduled as webinars as in-person credit.
• Accident Investigation / Reporting*
• Bloodborne Pathogens*
• Confined Space*
• Cyber Risks
• Driver Training
• Electrical Safety*
• Emergency Response Planning
• Ergonomics
• Facility Maintenance / Property Inspections
• Fall Protection*
• First Aid & CPR (Can be completed outside of SDAO offerings)
• Hazard Communications*
• Injury / Illness Prevention Program
• Lockout / Tagout*
• LP Toolkit for Workers’ Comp Members
• Respiratory Protection*
• Return-to-Work
• Risk Management and Supervision
• Risk Management Culture
• Safety Committees*
• Safety OR-OSHA Inspections*
• Trenching & Excavation Practices*
• Wellness
*These courses can also be completed through OR-OSHA.
Electives - 10 Credits (2 Courses)
Program participants may choose electives based on individual interests and/or job requirements. Outside sources such as seminars and webinars can be used.
To receive credit for non-SDAO elective courses, the following information must be included when a course is being submitted for approval:
1. Proof of attendance – a certificate or card of completion
2. Course title
3. Name of the affiliate organization that sponsored the course
4. Course date
5. Small description of the course material that was covered
Please submit the above information to Jennifer Quisenberry for approval.